Thanks for the query.
Let me explain about allergic
bronchitis , very common complaint in children as well older one.
Whistling sound during breathing,
running nose,
tears in eyes,
itching over face and rubbing of eyes ,
snot from nose ( mucus),
dry cough .
All these above symptoms are very common in children and cause is only one .
Asthmatic allergic bronchitis .
Reason is
bronchoconstriction .
Mite , dust , pollen , hay , sudden rise and fall of temperature , fine dusting powder all are predisposing factors for asthmatic allergic bronchitis.
Usually infection don't present .
In such type of cases I only prescribe
bronchodilator and antihistamine .
I don't like to prescribe antibiotics ( if
fever present I prescribe antibiotics ).
Hope you got answer.
Good luck.