I have a 80 day old daughter. She looks constipated for the past couple of weeks. She is exclusively breastfed. However, she seems to be constipated while passing stool. She makes sound, also her eyes water sometimes while passing stool. She passes once or twice a day. What could be the reason ? Is it advisable to give her some water? We live in southern part of TamilNadu and it is hot climate here.
I plan to get to work by April(when she is 4 months old). When would be the right time to ;start bottle-training her? I tried giving her lactogen in bottle, but she doesnt seem to know how to drink from a bottle yet. Would the Breastflow kind of bottles work? Or if she refuses to take a bottle at all, what would be an alternate food choice for her. I plan to work only for 4 hrs everyday and some alternate is needed in that time while I am away.