Hello there, I am a 25 year old female vet student that is normally healthy other than some flareups of external hemorrhoids. I went to bed past midnight last night and woke up sometime shortly after that with a large bowl movement that was semi-soft followed by diarrhea, then one bowl movement had bright blood mixed with the diarrhea, followed by two "movements" that were only blood, no diarrhea with it. I have not had any diarrhea/blood since 7 am and it is 1:15 pm now, my stomach cramps are gone, I have had water and a slice of bread. I have insanely awful medical insurance. If I don't experience any other symptoms am I putting myself in a lot of jeopardy not seeing a doctor right now? If I experienced more I wouold definitely go even though I don't have the money. I just hate to go now on a vet students salary of $0 income, if it was just internal hemorrhoids or colon tear from all the preceeding watery diarrhea shooting through the colon. All the blood was bright red. I really appreciate your input as I know going to the doctors is smart, but I cannot afford a cbc/chem, colonscopy, etc. right now unless it is absolutely dire. Thanks again!