Hi Jimmy,
I hope that your Doctor has ruled out
male infertility.
Whileyou are taking these Medicines, you must be doing test for ovulation to see the effects of these Medicines on your Ovulation. There are certain ways to confirm ovulation like trans-vaginal
Follicular study, Home Ovulation test, and
hormonal levels in your blood, besides some simple method like BBT, Cervical Mucus test. If you are ovulating with these medicines, and still not able to become pregnant in 3-4 months time, then you should go for further tests for tubal patency test, uterine factors, immunological factors, and so on.
For infertility, you must go step wise approach and proper follow up. You should be knowledgeable about the management you are going through, and talk to the Doctor frankly.
One positive point, i wolud like to tell you is that , it is easy to treat infetility if it is due to
ovulation dysfunction.
best of luck.
best of luck.