The uterine cavity is well opacified. Uterine cavity is normal in size, shape,and outline. No evidence of filling defect or irregularity noted. Both fallopian tubes are well outlined uptill its fimbrial ends. There is free peritoneal spill seen from both fallopian tubes. No evidence of peritubular / paratubular collection noted. CONCLUSION: Normal uterine cavity. Normal patency of both fallopian tubes. USG correaltaion is advised. FSH-LH-Prolactin-Testosterone 3.980Follicular Stimlating Hormone (FSH) mIU/mlFollicular Phase:3.5 - 12.5 , 3.58Leutinizing Hormone(LH),Serum mIU/mlFollicular Phase : 2.4 - 12.6, 1735.00Prolactin uIU/mlWomen (Non-pregnant): 102-496 0.10Total Testosterone,Serum ng/dl0.06 - 0.82 L.M.P. Method :Chemiluminescence Immuno Assay(CLIA). WHAT DO THINK? DOES THIS MEAN I CAN GET PREGNANT?