Hi, My Mom was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer in March 2013. She never had a symptom. The only issue she had was out of breath when climbing the stairs..Tapped lungs, etc. She started chemo in April -did 2nd ct scan in August, showed tumor grew from 3.5cm to 3.7cm.. Started her on different type of chemo, just had another scan a month ago showed the tumor stabilized and the other small nodules have shrunk, however, scan showed a blood clot in her artery, she is now giving herself 2 injections a day which the Dr. is hoping will dissolve the clot. She hasn t had any chemo treatments for about 3 weeks now and is actually eating great and feeling better. My concern is I just talked to her and she had a pounding headache, any advice would be helpful, thank you- worried Daughter