I have gone through your query and can understand your concern.
As per your complain and presentation of symptoms
sore throat that is evident in night and in morning that goes away during the day, the most common cause is
Acid reflux.
In some patients the acid from stomach regurgitates in throat and at times mouth after lying down due to change in posture and due to irritation caused by acid the sore throat is experienced at night and morning and not during the day.
Nothing to worry, consult an ENT expert and get evaluated and in case of acid reflux
Proton pump inhibitors like Pantoprzole,
Omeprazole etc can be advised, antacids like
milk of magnesia can be taken.
Take light and less spicy meals at night atleast 2 hours before sleeping.
Take a short walk after meals.
Drink plenty of water.
Sleep with head slightly raised as compared to legs.
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.