Tingling and blood flowing sensation in head while sleeping?
I’m 33 years old, man, healthy. But it is for more than 6 months I have a headache during night but a different headache! (Especially before raising of bed) “Different“ because I feel the pain on the side of my head that is upper than other sides of my body. I mean when I sleep on my left side I feel pain on right side of my head , when I sleep on right side I feel pain on left side of my head , when I sleep on back….
Besides, I feel blood flowing and tingling pins and needles (tingling) in my head! (I’m concerned about the tingling because it may be caused by blood circulation problem in my head)
Sometimes it is very painful and wakes me up in mid of night! When I wake up and have some physical exercise (like walking, stretching body) the headache is disappeared!
I had a brain MRI test. My neurologist saw the result and told me nothing is wrong.
Sometimes I feel heartthrob and also arrhythmia symptoms in my heart (many times (%70) my heart problem and my headache happens simultaneously). I have a slight Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) (I checked it 6 months ago. It is OK.) and also had a heart exercise test it was OK too.
I never used drugs, alcohol and like that. I have no neck problem. My pillow is ok. I have no sign of diabetes. No injury in my head. I have no sign of lack of B12 vitamin or anemia.