1. Since myelogram is a test where dye is injected in your
spinal cord and then x- rays are taken thus the most important problem would be
allergic reaction to the dye
. possible risk of infection
. 'headache' which may occur due to leakging spinal fluid and may later cause 'meningitis'
2. You should consult/contact your Neurosurgeon prior to myelogram to discuss about the procedure.
3. After the procedure you have to abide by following general rules:
. remaining in reclining position [for several hours] to prevent CSF leak
. Maintain Hydration to prevent
headaches. [plain analgesics can be given if develop headaches]
. When discharged and at home, notify your doctor of any abnormality, like:
numbness and
tingling of the legs, blood or other drainage from the injection site, pain at or near the injection site, inability to urinate, fever,
stiff neck, or headaches.