Hi there, I ve really bad flatulance for the past year or so. I eat quite a lot of fruit and vegetables so I know its normal to pass a certain amount of gas but in my case it is extremely bad and is affecting me wanting to be around people. Even my family have commenting on the odour and think I should get it checked. I also suffer from constipation regularly and require herbal laxatives on an almost daily basis to get things moving. Other symptoms I have include: absence of period for last 20 months, weight loss, dry cough after eating, waking up with tingling sensation in my arm and purple coloured toes. I ve been to my GP and been referred to a gynacologist for the absent periods, had a chest xray and blood tests which showed no abnormalities (although my white blood cell count was a little low) I m a 27 yr old female. Any recommendations on any tests I should get done or advice for me would be greatly appreciated.