Welcome to Health Care Magic, thanks for posting your query . I understand your concern.
By your history, its evident that you might be having a condition called as
Irritable Bowel Syndrome . It could cause you hard stools with a lot of
flatulence and discomfort.
Its better if you include in your diet a lot of fibre-rich food , and also to eat one banana per day to soften your stools.
Also if its being very painful to pass stools you can take syrup
Cremaffin plus 2 tablespoon at nights to ease you with the problem.
Meanwhile consider meeting a physician and get a stool culture done to rule out any infections .
your diet may be normal and even your appetite may seem unaltered but consider taking 4-5 litres of water , spinach , flax seeds and other fibre enriched foods.
Hope this helps , and answers your query satisfactorily .
Do write back to us if you need further assistance .
Take care ,
Wishing you good health .