I have been breaking out in a rash, with big bumps or whelps, since November of last year. It will finally go to almost all my body. The palms of my hands, feet, ears, head, face, back of my neck, my thighs, my knees, shoulders, breasts, and my head. It began when I got a cough and it continued for several days; afterwards, I started breaking out. The first time I did this was when were flying from NJ on a plane with bad air and pressure. Several were really sick from. It finally left after a couple of months or so. I think I took some collagen, then it went away. Now, after 2 years, I have it back again. I have tried several things (herbs & minerals, no drugs) but they will go in and then at an unexpected time, will start again. Tonight, it was so bad that my arm swelled up and my joints are hurting. Any thoughts? Thanks.