Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
Itching at the anal region all the time indicate the following problem:
Local skin
dermatitis due to some skin condition like
fungal infection, seborrhoic dermatitis if you are working in hot and humid conditions.
Intestinal infection like colitis gives infection to the anal skin.
This can be diagnosed by the following:
Local examination, per-rectal digital examination, ano-proctoscopy.
Colonoscopy if you are more than 39 years old.
Tests of stool for three consecutive days.
Tests of blood for CBC, diabetes and other tests as may be needed as per clinical picture.
All these things will give the correct diagnosis.
Plan of management is as follows:
Clean the area with plain water at least 3-4 times a day and keep this dry by hair dryer.
Loose clothings.
Avoid hot and humid places.
You may apply liquid
Povidone iodine locally once or twice daily.
A course of an antibiotic,
metronidazole if there is any evidence of infection.
Multivitamins along with therapeutic dosages of Vitamin A and D for increasing the integrity of the skin.
All these things will lead to a proper healing and avoidance of recurrence.