I have Type 1 Diabetes- going on 36yrs. I do have elevated peioxidase antibodies, last test done 2003. My tsh has been in normal range but jumps around ( .99 then up to 3;75 or 5.0) within 2 months. Right now, I am having problems with muscle fatigue (pain or burning), along with lethargy. Have trouble thinking; and feel very stupid. i am taking ADHD meds for ADHD and this is the reason I can get up out of bed. I have muscle cramping with muscle spasms that may keep me awake at night. Ive been to my doctor and she wants me to take PT, dont think that will help. also I recently took a clinical exam that I failed because I went foggy under stress and couldnt remember how to do easy math or how to give an injection. Very embarrassing, I What should I do? Debbie