I am asking concerning my wife age 41 who has been very ill for about a month now. The situation began a month ago after a baseball game when she complained of a burning feeling across here chest, coupled with a momentary stopping of her pulse when this occured. She felt some pressure along the neck and arms. She had been taking atenolol for heart arrhythmia problems for a few years, so we had to admit her to the emergency room. They ran several heart related blood tests, and EKGs, nothing showed other than attendants noticed the pulse stopping on occassion which finally stopped, her blood pressure was high but they brought that under control.She was relaesed about 5 hours later with advice to follow up with her cardiologist. She felt uncomfortable, had similar symptoms until we saw the doctor two days later. He rana series of blood tests, EKGs, echo grams and stress test - all showing nothing out of the ordinary. he suggetsed a general doctor - which we saw. Meanwhile, she began to be nauseous, no desire to eat and with upset stomach when she tried to eat something. Several blood tests and urine tests were run with nothing showing but a very high B12 - she had been taking vitamin supplements and stopped that, Subsequently, she began to have muslce spasm for short periods in the arms, buttocks area, and a few in the legs. She couldn t eat much at all, unable to sleep comforatble but for short periods at a time. She began to have aches here and there - arms, shoulders, neck, and feeling pressure up the back of her head and into the scalp. She had meanwhile been checked for h-pylori which she once had a bought with in the past and a couple other things that we don t know the nature of of. None of those tests reviewed anything out of the ordinary. She is now moody, as well, and most of the pains and pressure seem to be in head and neck areas along with some lingering pain feelings in the upper arms. She continues to be nauseous and with some lightheadeness. We re exasperated somewhat having no direction really as to how to proceed from the local two physicians and her cardiologist. We re stymied and don t know what to do.