I am 23 and in law school currently. I was diagnosed with ADHD about 5 or 6 years ago. I took Concerta (54 mg) just about the entire time. Recently (last few weeks) my doctor changed to Methylin (20 mg/day) because insurance was giving us problems with Concerta. The Methylin really did not do anything for me. I saw my primary care physician in December, and discussed this. I told her side effects from the Concerta (cannot sleep, no appetite, mood swings, etc. common from what I have read about Concerta). She then wanted me to try 20 mg of Methylin in the morning, 10 mg in the evening because of the long days I need to be focused in law school. Anyway, getting to the point of my question (I wanted to provide background the best I could). Since I have switched, I have actually found the new medicine to work. It is not as, umm not sure how else to put this but, punch you in the face, like Concerta can be. It is more even throughout the dosage. BUT, I have been having terrible, terrible headaches since I have been taking it. On the bottle, it says that is a side effect. I am wondering if this is a normal side effect. If this is normal, is there anyway to stop it aside from taking Tylenol, Advil, etc.? They usually do not even touch it. I take 2 rapid release Tylenol, and another about an hour later because it is still killing me. Should I see a doctor or is this completely normal?