I have read very carefully your concern and understand your difficult situation.
Addison disease is well controlled with treatment but you should be patient until the proper dose of
hydrocortisone is found. She should be under close ednocrinologist supervision until the clinical symptoms improves.
levothyroxine should be started after the improvement of the
adrenal insufficiency symptoms.
Both treatments are long term if autoimmune origin is confirmed.
Type 1 Diabetes associates often these 2 autoimmune pathologies (polyglandular
autoimmune disease type 2) and anti GAD antibodies should be checked.
Do not worry for the pituitary microadenoma, high TSH level is also responsible for the high prolactin level. After normalization of the TSH, check the prolactin level again. If it persists high, than start cabergoline.
In these dimensions it does not cause head ache.
You should not get worried for her future because in a few weeks she will get back to the normal life.
For a personalised comprehensive evaluation, treatment recommendations, or individual therapy, ask me at HealthCareMagic at this private link:
HCM Dr. Guni
WIsh her good health,
Best wishes,