i ve always thought i had chronic allergies/sinusitis because my nose always feels blocked more towards my throat sometimes the tissue more towards my nostrils will get inflamed, and I ve had countless allergy tests done because ENT s absolutely love to waste my time doing them instead of using an endoscope or something. sure, I have allergies. If I rub my face in my dog, my eyes *might* get a little itchy, and my nose will get stuffed a bit, but even on great days my voice sounds nasally and it feels all stopped up near the back of my throat. I ve been begging my parents to get me a CT or xray to see what the hell s going on up there, because I m so tired of pointless, painful allergy tests. My capacity for smell and taste has been greatly reduced. I can t remember smelling anything, really, or tasting much of anything besides coffee. I can drink cappuccino straight up. I just don t really taste it. I m done with this. I just want to know what it is and how to get rid of it. Could it be enlarged adenoids?