Hello there,welcome to Healthcaremagic.
I can understand how distressing the pain in the anal region could be.I would like to explain you in detail about the anal region pain so that You can have an understanding of the condition and can proceed accordingly.First of I would like to know if the pain is associated with defecation or not , based on which we can know if the disease is associated directly with anus or the disease is in area just surrounding the anus(perianal region)
If its associated with defecation then, is it associated with any mass coming out of anus ,is there any bleeding during defecation.If a mass is associated with bleeding it points towards piles and if no mass is there then it could be a superficial tear inside called a fissure
If its in the perianal region, then is pain continuous or on and off,are there any any skin lesions there. Depending on that it could be because of many conditions
I will recommend few general measures , assuming that the pain is in the anus ,which will help relieve the symptoms.
1)Taking a high fiber diet and avoiding oily and junk foods which cause
constipation and aggravate
anal pain.
2)Taking a laxative ,eg syrup
lactulose 20ml at bed time if constipation is there till the bowel habit becomes regular.
3)Sitz bathing .Its sitting in a tub of warm water with few ml of
betadine solution so that any infection is prevented from occuring.
4)There are
ointments available with combination of lignocaine and glyceryl trinitrate which are applied locally will reduce pain and dilate the anus for easy defecation.
But I would like to remind You that the exact diagnosis could be made with complete history and proper physical examination and investigations as per the necessity based on which your doctors may prescribe you oral and local antibiotics and may even recommend
surgical treatment.
Hope that helps You out.Thank You.