My name is cierra I received the nexplanon implanon nov27 2013 six weeks after I had my son. I did not have a period before I received nexplanon so I was told by my doctor to wait a week before having unprotected sex. My husband and I only waited 4days before having unprotected sex. For the past 2weeks I have been experiencing many symptoms so I would like to know if I m pregnant or if something is seriously wrong. I have back pain, severe fatigue, awful heat flashes, my body temperature seems to be warmer than usual, weight gain, increased appetite, dizziness food cravings, nausea the smell or taste of certain food makes me want to throw up, cramps but not period, cervix pain, vivid dreams every time I sleep gas, sore boobs, mood swings, very tired. Over all I just feel very sick and its getting worse. The only other time I felt like this is during my pregnancies