I have gone through your question and understand your concern. Looks like a case of
gastritis, it can be taken care of but if symptom does not subside she may need to see a doctor. Firstly, rehydration is the key, oral rehydration fluids available over the counter have to be taken in small sips as much as possible. Secondly, for fever take
Panadol as and when needed not more than thrice a day till fever subside and
Pepto-Bismol to protect stomach from acidity caused by intake of drugs for fever. Simple gastritis resolves on its own in a week, so relax and wait for few days.
Consult a doctor, if symptoms get worse or does not seem to improve over a week time and signs of
dehydration like concentrated urine, decreased skin elasticity,
dry mouth, sunken eyes, rapid heartbeat and excessive thirst. Good luck. Hope your concern is answered. Thank You.