I have had a high fever 100-103 for the past 5 days even with plenty of acetaminophen. If that was bad enough, for about the same amount of time swallowing anything, even water is terribly painful. But not in my throat, basically when I swallow a sip of water is goes down my esophogus and just before reaching my stomach it feels as though I have a ping pong ball lodged in the bottom of my esophogus. Subsequently I havent eaten anything in about 3 days and am barly forcing myself to drink water. I went to the doctor today and he told me the old, take some pepsid ac and you will feel fine. But I have had acid reflux before, and it never hurt like this when I drank, it was just unconferatable. I am pretty sure this is not acid reflux but he owuldn't listen. My reserch points at Esphogitus, which may explain the prolonged fever. Do you think I should just go demand an endoscopy? I just really want to eat and drink again... desperate... Justin