Respected madam, hi I evaluated your query thoroughly.
Clinically it`s looking as of nonspecific
neuralgia associated symptoms.
Right now don`t get stressed out or freaked and follow some very simple
steps till you meet your doctor.
* do regular deep breathing exercises and
YOGA for 20-30 min daily which will
help you improve your tissue oxygenation and symptomatic relief.
* avoid stress
* avoid
smoking / tobacco consumption / alcohol beverages if at all
* avoid much oily , spicy , nonveg stuffs temporarily.
* take adequate sleep of 8 hours daily.
* can take
analgesic tablet after meals if more pain mor and evening.
* avoid heavy weight lifting with that hand and avoid pressurisation under
that shoulder while sleeping.
Thanks for using Health care Magic.
Bye , take care.
Wishing you a fast and speedy recovery from the same.