I was rear ended by a car 18 months ago. For a year I went for treatments at this center and had nine different doctors start over with me, running the same test and gave me shots that never worked more than 3 hours. Right now I can hardly walk and it is getting harder to get out of bed and get moving. My lower back is really hurting, my uuper back, shoulders, hips and it is hard to walk up stairs. To day I almost brought a quad cane for the stability when walking. What kind of place can help me because they were talking about surgery before the new doctor, # 9 in less than a year wanted to start all over with test that was already on file and mean while I was not getting help. I cant go one more day with out help or I am checking myself into the hospital. The last time i was so bad off they kept me three day at $32,500 that I had no way to pay for that and checked myself out. There must be something wrong if I needed all those test plus pus the numbness is also being masked over with pills and the pain with tramadol. I need HELP!