Hi, my boufriend is 30 years old and has a lot of health concerns. He suffers for a strange pain that moves from his chest, back, neck, arms, and legs. He will complain that his chest feels heavy as if there is a weight on him or as if his chest does not have enough room. He has had sever eegs and no sign of heart attack. His back hurts mainly between his shoulders but the lower at times. He feels stabbing pain beside his right shoulder blade. His neck is so tight that it is staight from his jaw down on the right his right side, his right shoulder looks longer and lower then the left. His neck is very tense pulling his ear down and chest up, his Right chest looks higher then the other side. he has terable stomach pains and diareaha a strick diet is helping his bathroom issues but still stomach pain. The newest symptom is a red rash or spot that is on his adams apple. It is the size of the adams apple. He ofter complains of a sore throat and trouble swallowing. We have been to many doctors who become overwhelmed run blood work, book mris and we wait. He has been like this for 3 years and is getting worse