Hello and thank you for asking HCM.
I have read your symptoms and i understand your concerns.
Depending from the time that the blood stays in your urine,it can get in these forms: from a pink urine (when a small part of blood is mixed with the urine) to red clots and dark clots (when the blood/clot has stayed a lot of time in your urine)
Now there are a few reasons why a patient has blood in his urine.
kidney stone,or stone in the urether,in the bladder
-infection of your urinary tract
-intersticial cystitis
-kidney conditions( cyst,
-accesive of calcium in your urine
If i were your doctor i would suggest as follows:
-have plenty of liquids to clean your urine
-rose tea or chamomile tea
-orange juice or cranberry juice is great for your bladder.
At the moment.sine you dont have any other symptom i don't think that you need any specific treatement.
I suggest you do an
ultrasound of your urinary tract and an urine test.
If you have any other question feel free to contact me.
Dr.Endri Katro