Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to HCM.
I understood your health concerns.
My Impression-
Based on facts of your query,You seems to suffer from-
Jocks Itch with Peeling of Scrotal Skin, from soddening / damp skin with fungal overgrowth on dead rubbed of skin from excess friction.
The pain and discomfort in scrotal area is due to
skin inflammation from
fungal infection in are.Any other cause like -
Furunculosis / boils of scrotum / inner thigh / groin needs to be checked from
Treatment- Would depend on cause -being bacterial / antifungal.
Antibiotic / or Antifungal orally and locally/
With Painkiller/anti-inflammatory would resolve the issues in 2 weeks time.
Terbinafine oint locally x 2 weeks
Motrin 400 mg x 10 days
Tab Zincovit- 1 x 20 days , to recoup general skin health.
Good Private hygiene and cleaning of privater area with dettol daily x 3 weeks. would go a long way in avoiding its recurrence.
Keep Me updated whenever needed , 24 x 7, to help you out by even,online tips for You, on weekly basis.
Welcome for any further query in this regard.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Specialist