I have suffered from migraines since I was a teen. My mother was in the Israeli army and got hit in the back of her head and developed an anyrism.she passed away a few years afterwards. I am afraid for myself. Two weeks ago, I was hit on the side of my head so hard, I had a bump and for days it hurt and I had headaches, migraines, as well as I was throwing up. I have become so tired, I couldn t drive a few days ago. I thought I was throwing up because of my heartburn. Today,I was hit on the side of my head, the back and top. I have bumps all over. Then I was punched in the back of my head so hard, I saw complete blackness, then at first I thought I was on the highway at night. My head and back hurts so badly. I am able to eat a little bit now. What should I do?