Ive been forgetting random things all the time recently. Im on lexapro, klonapin, vyvanse, and ambien as needed. The only pills I take daily are vyvanse and lexapro. The klonapin is only to help control my tourettes outburts. I have been taking all medicines for roughly 6 months. Kpins are dosed at three .5 tablets twice a day as needed to help control my outburts and stop the im gonna freak out feeling. Lexapro is 40 mg a day split into two 20 mg pills I take in morning. The Ambien is as needed for restless thoughts. The vyvanse is one 60 mg tab every morning but I dont take them everymorning because I feel that its not necessary to take it when your just sitting at home for a weekend and not doing work. Ive also been getting tremors in my hands lately that are bugging me. Im 20 and diagnosed with adhd, ocd, major depressive disorder, and tourettes which is the worst due to my outburts of loudness that make people look at me like im a jerk or like im causing problems. Im also seeing a psychiatrist who prescribes the meds, a psychologist to help me give behavioral techniques to learn to try and control my tics and now im seeing a psychologist that specializes in meditation and indian medicines and heling through body mind and spirit. Any suggestions or help would be greatly aprreciated. My life feels horrible to live it like this. Helo greatly appreciated. Im 20 years old and this isnt how I wanna live my life.