i went to have a blood work up for my thyroid test . I had not been feeling well for a little over a month i was very short of breath mostly with activity ,the day of my test i was feeling sick to my stomach and my arms were numb that morning and i had a headache. I asked the lab tech to see if they would check my blood pressure. At time the dr added a cbc to my blood test . They called me that afternoon and told me i needed to come in and repeat my lab work asap. I did so and she told me that i needed to go to the hospital for a transfusion. They said i had hemoglobin of 5 and no iron. I went to the hospital recieved iron and blood . had a transvaginal ultrasound which led to a biopsy and d&c . to look for cancer was told it was negative. Blood work improved after a couple more weeks . The chart that the dr showed me 3 weeks ago showed my blood work was nearing normal except for iron levels . I take 1000mg a day and plus integra daily since march 30 2012 . a bone marrow test was never done although several other drs asked why it had not been done. I also need to mention i had a colonoscopy , upper gi with biopsy, and also did a pill camera study. all negative. They can not explain my blood loss. Also i do not have heavy periods . For the last two weeks i have had a headache today i wake upwith 6 bruises no explanation, a lot of the red spots (dots) and my blood count was said to be in the normal range . the dr said he did not know what it was if it got worse to come back. should i be worried about leukemia