Hi Dear,
Good day.
Endocrinologists deal with HAshimotos's disease and other Thyroid disorders.
I do agree with you that, some of these symptoms could be due to
hypothyroidism itself.
I do also agree that often people continue to complain about hypothyroid symptoms despite having a normal T3/T4 level whilst on
levothyroxine. THIS IS A CONCERN. As an Endocrinologsit, i have seen many patients complaining the same.
Every tissue in the body require thyroid hormones and there are thyroid hormone receptors sitting in many tissues. Levothyroxine need to be converted to T3 at the tissue level for utilization. If that mechanism is defective, then you may continue to have symptoms of hypothyroidism despite your blood T3/T4 levels being normal. This is called TISSUE LEVEL HYPOTHYROIDISM" which is a recently recognized entity.
Unfortunatly, at the current time, we can not offer anything other than Levothyroxine tablets. ( which you may be taking allready and i noted that your T3/T4 levels are normal)
Having said this, there could be other reasons apart from Hashimoto's disease behind your mood swings /
depression etc. Please find a GP/Endocrinologist who spend enough time with you and can listen to you carefully. And beleive me, breathing/relaxation exercises and
Yoga etc are really useful when you deal with above symptoms. Treat yourself with a good
massage once a while. That helps too.
HAve a great day