Hi. I have some discomfort in my urethra, specifically in the upper part (near head of penis). Discomfort manifests itself when urinating, and is most felt during the initial stream flow. It also feels like the flow of urine is scraping my urethra. The sensation is reduced if I reduce the rate of flow of the urine. Have been tested for bladder infection which came negative. Also tested for STDs like HSV1, HSV2, Cyclamida, and Gonnorea, but also negative. On rare occasions, I also noted that a blob of what looks like congealed dark blood is pushed out of the urethra (head of penis) as soon as the urine flow starts, but the rest of the urine flow looks normal, albeit lightly pink. This clears up after a few hours and plenty of water. I am not sure if the 2 are related. I ve also had a cystoscopy and everything was said to be normal. Prostate was also ok. Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. James