Hello, thanks for posting on HCM.
The urea levels are slightly raised and also his
creatinine value is borderline high.
Your doctor is right when he told you to control on diet.
Creatinine and urea are by products of unused
proteins in body. So, first thing to do is to limit intake of proteins to 1gm/kg/day which is requirement for human body. Anything more than that will be converted to urea, creatinine and other waste products.
Secondly restrict intake of salt in diet. Daily intake should not be more than 3-4 gm /day. By doing this you will also keep decrease the risk of developing
hypertension thus keeping kidneys healthy.
Try avoiding high potassium diet like fruits like banana, dry fruits, and also keep intake of green leafy vegetables to appropriate.
I think and hope the above given advice answers your query well, if you need more information you can always ask me.
Thank you