I have what I think is server bad breath. Everyone around me says my breath stinks, everyone holds their nose when I talk but I'm almost POSTIVE it's not my breath because I've always been very good about my oral health and have recently increased my brushing amounts a day. As well as changed toothpaste, tried tons of mouth washes, tongue scrappers and sad to say but I've been so desperate to rid the problem thinking maybe the odor is coming the back of my throat that I've even drank and flushed my nose with water and bleach and the problem didn't even subside. I notice this problem about almost two years ago. As well as I've noticed a constant odor way in the back of my throat, usually when I yawn. Along with what feel like a mucus ball that won't come up. Also I had my share of drug use in past which around the time I noticed the problem and wonder if that too may be the cause. I smoked cigars very heavily for about two years and used meth for about a year, I'm a female in my late 20's any idea what may be the cause of this