My son is 13 months old, weighing 11.5kg . He was having viral fever 5 days back and was getting fever every 3 hrs. As per doctor prescription we can't give paracetamol (1.75 ml) every 3 hrs and so, we should give Maftal P suspension (5ml) (if fever is more than 102) and paracetamol alternatively.
But we observed that fever that was coming 3 hrs later to giving meftal P suspension was coming with shivering, his body was turning blue and his condition was going pathatic. so we managed with reduced dosage of paracetamol rest of the day. He is fine now.
I want to understand if Meftal P was not suiting him and so was the result? What we should do to reduce fever when it comes every 3 hrs which is normal in viral fever.