1. Clonazepam and
propranolol will be helpful. You may experience drowsiness. If you are asthmatic, don't take propranolol. But otherwise, these are safe medicines.
However, usually these medicines are not available without prescription. Ask your family doctor for a prescription. Another medicine that will give quick relief is Alprazolam (Restyl, Xanax, Alprax) 0.5 mg just before the flight. Be careful. Do not take Alprazolam for longer period without doctor's guidance. It is very habit forming. You will probably need a prescription for it.
2. You should explain to your parents that your have a medical condition. It is not all just in mind. It will help a lot if you request your doctor to talk to them.
3. If you take proper treatment for OCD and
Agoraphobia, you will be able to live a productive and happier life. Therefore, you should see a
psychiatrist. He/she will evaluate you, counsel you about your condition (also counsel your parents) and initiate proper treatment regime. Usually a combination of medicines and
psychotherapy such as Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy gives best long term results.
I hope this answers your question.