Hi, I am driving myself potty trying to get an idea of where my pregnancy is heading... I am currently 7 weeks 4 days pregnant (based on lmp being 9th May). At 5 weeks 4 days I started spotting. So I went along to my local EPU. They took my bloods which were 2391 (tuesday). At which stage they advised me that my hcg was high enough to have an ultrasound. So the day after I had an ultrasound - sac and yolk were visible, and the sonographer seemed to think all looked well for the dates. They advised no need to have further bloods. Later that same day I noticed more spotting, so we agreed that I would have more bloods taken the following day. The levels were 2490 (friday). The midwife explained to me that this is not a good sign, and levels such as these would usually indicate miscarriage. They wanted more bloods to compare, so I had more drawn on sunday - 3166. Again I was warned about the likelihood of miscarriage. However they suggested I go in for another scan the following Tuesday. When I would have been 6 weeks 4 days. At the scan, baby and heartbeat was seen. Baby measured 2.9mm I believe. I was told all looked well, and its perhaps best to forget about drawing my bloods, and to concentrate more on the scan findings. I had a follow up scan the following Tuesday (at 7 weeks 4 days). Again baby and heartbeat was seen. Baby more than doubled in size and is now 7mm. However she did say that my amniotic fluid is a little on the low side. She said not to be too concerned, as she wasn t at this stage.... I am due to go back for another scan in 3 long weeks! Should I be concerned? I am worrying that the low amniotic fluid is a result of my hcg levels not being what they should be... and that all these signs are adding up to equal a pending miscarriage. .. Can you give me any advice? Anything at all I can do? Thank you for your time