Two months ago, my mothers menses bleeding didnt stop for 1months . she is 46 yrs old .then ,we consulted doctor. Ultrasound report :uterus linning thickness 26mm.dr. gave suan tablet for 21 days and autrin,acinil.3 days after suan stopped,my mother go through intense bleeding,pain and whitish fleshy (about 200gm wt.) Came from vaginal opening.then dr.gave pause for 3 days .crina for 21 days and qutrin,acinil. She gave colinz tablet for pain. But even after 5 days my mom needs to take colinz as only due to colinz pain stops otherwise it gets started again.what s the reason ? Dr. Told us to get done eithers my moms uterus dmc or its removal. Which option is better? And also what are the precautions that should be taken after operation and how long it will take to completely regain? Please suggest and tell me.