Sir; my seminal analysis is as following: Liqueficatior complete:2 hours, volume: 8ml, PH:1.5, viscosity: viscous, colour: normal, sperm count: 70.4million/ml, total count: 105.6million, Pus cells and RBC: 0-1, bacteria: 0, Spermatocy e:0-1/HPF, Fructose:278, Morphology: Normal-35% Pathological: 65%, Motility: (after 30 min, 3Hrs and 6Hrs respectively): Motile-30%,25%,20% Sluggish- 20%,20%,25% Immotile-50%,55%,50%. Activity after 3 Hrs: very active-15% moderate active-35% slow active-50% can I be a father???? is my PH treatable?