Based on everything ive read and been told, the following is the advice I would give:
I think you need oto start weening your baby off the breast, usually 6 months is a good time to start, so sooner rather than later maybe? Also, You will find that when You do wean her off she will become more hungry.
Solid food 2 times a day is fine, but try to mix up the food, she needs a balanced diet and Dhal and rice constantly is not going to give her everything she needs.
If she's a picky eater and she ONLY likes dhal, you need to start adding other foods in to get her used to it, for example give slightly less dahl and rice than usual, add, perhaps a hard boiled egg on the side, try giving it to her on it's own, if she spits it out, mix it with the dhal.
Don't be scared to make a meal she doesn't usually eat, e.g. (if you eat meats) do some roast chicken and potatoes...if she refuses to eat it leave her, every 5 minutes try giving her spoon, she will eat when she gets hungry...If more than 2 hours pass her normal feeding time give her what she would normaly eat then do the same the next day until she eats what she's given.
If she's not a picky eater make sure you give a big variaty of food and blend it to a suitable consistantsy...not too watery for her age.
Give her as much water as she wants to drink. It's a good idea to get her used a bottle (or sippy cup is better at her age) so she can drink as she pleases. My son was drinking from a straw at 7months! it's the best thing that can happen, that way, when she gets thirsty all she has to do is go for her bottle and you won't have to worry about if she's thirsty. (it will give you a rest too!)
Try not to give any margerine, butter or ghee...after 1year u can slowly add it too her diet, but very small amounts...she doesnt really need it.
raw bananna is the easiest food to feed her rihght now, u don't need to do anything to it, just make sure its soft enough for her to 'bite' with her gums. not too much and not everyday. strawberries mash up easily too. appricots and plums when soft are great. You can also soften apples by coring them and slicing- then put on gas with small
amout of water, about a table spoon, and slowly boil until soft.