my daughter in law goes from being calm one minute then when triggered goes off ready to hit fight, i am worried about my son and lil granson... she slapped me and punched me in chest because i forgot to take my shoes off at the door..i was visiting and all was fine til i forgot to take shoes off, she ran into my bedroom..grabbed me by hair and flung mearound scratched my face like she was going to dig my eyes out ,punched me in the chest til my son come in and got her off me.. he did t know she had mulitipersonalities ,anxiety,disorders before they got married, she had to go off her meds when she got pregnant now i am so scared she will go off with toddler...or hurt my son.she is seeing a councelor but is still flaring up...they put her on vitamins after breastfeeding, but she is still slapping him,screaming, while i was there she grabbed baby up because he was crying (teething) and threw him in his crib, i asked her after hearing him cry 30 mins .if i could go get him she said NO he is being punished.i am so afraid ....for who ever is around her, she is now back at work...but would like to know what to expect if she does not go back on her regular medicine