Hello, your 1 year old has an allergic disorder to multiple foods and the
eczema rash is most likely part of the
allergic response. The most common foods that children are allergic to include milk, eggs, soy, tree nuts, peanuts, shellfish, wheat and fish. It is best to avoid these until your doctor indicates it is alright to provide these foods to him. If he has already tolerated them without any
allergic reaction, then it may be alright to continue to give these to him carefully monitoring for any response. He should be following a growth curve with steady weight gain which will be followed by your doctor.
The first step is to avoid any foods that he is allergic to and to read food labels very carefully. Food allergies can be managed by controlling allergic responses and having an emergency medication at home called epi-pen jr obtained by prescription in case there is a severe reaction affecting the way he breathes or his cardiovascular system. Children who are allergic to one food protein tend to have allergic responses to multiple foods. If you are introducing a new food, a very small amount initially and waiting three days until re-introduction of another new food will help identify any other allergies. If the reaction involves an itchy rash or
stomach upset, an anti-
histamine from your doctor may relieve some of the symptoms.
For his eczema, keeping the skin moist and avoiding perfumed products, along with topical
steroids (please check with your doctor prior to using this on his face) will help control the symptoms. Plain white soap with a creamy texture and moisturizers such as aveeno, nivea and
eucerin are advised for patients with eczema. While some children outgrow eczema, those with allergic disorders, may develop other signs of allergic diseases such as asthma or allergic sinus problems.