Dear Sir, My wife is 26 Years old & with first pregnancy of 34 week. Approx fetal weight 2000 gm, BPD-87.9 mm, HC-300.5 mm, FL-61.7 mm, AC-282.3 mm, EDD-24/10/2015,we found her hemoglobin level is decreasing from 10 to 8.5 during last 30 weeks.She takes iron medicine from the day of pregnancy & for improving hemoglobin she takes iron injection 2 times. But when Dr. see hemoglobin level is not improving Dr. advised us S. Ferritin Test which result was 756ng/mL where normal value for female 05-148 ng/mL,Blood Film Test which comment was ,RBCs shows anisopoikilocytosis, anisochromia. Fair number of macrocyte, target cell, elongated cell, tear drop cells, microcytes, ovalcyte are seen. WBSs - mature with increased total count (13000/cmm) and increased neutrophil count (80%). Platelets are normal (4,00,000/cmm).We also conduct test for Hb Electrpphorsis, S. Iron, TIBC, Vitamin B12. Which report will get after a week.Could you please tell me about this blood disorder. Now give me the suggestion what we can do for hemoglobin improvement. As it is very important for baby growth. Dr. Also says that pushing 1 Bag blood for hemoglobin improvement.