I am trying to identify what is the cause of my symptoms I've experienced in the last 2 weeks. I have nausea and vomiting, particularly worse in the mornings, however the nausea usually comes and goes all throughout the day it just doesn't cause me to vomit like I do in the mornings. I took at home pregnancy tests and the doctors checked and it came out negative both times. I also have a lack of appetite, as well as the inability to eat solids. I am extremely emotional, but that may be because I am tired of being sick so long and the fact that it scares me a little, not knowing what's wrong. I suffer from fatigue, I go to bed around 11 and get up around 6:30-7 each morning with my husband. These past weeks I have been taking 3-4hour naps after he leaves. My left side also is giving me pain, much like it feels when I am constipated. However, I am suffering from diarrhea so it confuses me why it feels like that. I have not had a fever really, my temperature generally stays around 97.1-8, but lately its been around 98.1-8. The only medications I am taking is Sprintec 28 day birth control. Sometimes I have cold sweats, but that was mainly week 1, now into week 2 its not so often.
Thank you