Since last night I've been having these weird palpitations in my heart.
There is a history of heart disease in my family, and many people close to me have suffered from heart attacks.
I'm only 21 so I don't think I'm going to suddenly drop dead or anything like that.. But I don't know what this is. I was so worried last night that I went to the hospital but they didn't take me seriously in anyway, probably because of my age.
I'm not a hypocondriact or anything like that either!! I rarely if ever go to the DR, let alone the hospital, its just when it comes to my heart its something i take very serioulsy becoz of the family history.
The nurse at the hospital told me its "Probably normal" But I don't see ANYTHING normal with your heart pulpitating every couple of minutes, and espcially if it lasts this long.
Does anyone know what this is? And what should I do about it, no one seems to be taking this seriously enough to even check if there is a problem! Thanks in advance. :)
Just to sum up exactly what it feels like...
I can actually feel my heart beating, it feels heavy and it feels like its skipping a beat then its giving a big thump, and beating irregular, but this only lasts for a few seconds at a time.
Thankyou to everyone for answering my question!!! :) I will definetly stop worrying as much and I'll go see my GP, hopefully he can spend some decent time with me, and if he thinks there is anything wrong then maybe I can be put on a monitor or something, my dad has had to do that many times.
Thanks for all your advice I really appriciate it. :)
I usually get these weird palpitations every few months, once or twice.. I always thought that was normal. But Never this much and all at once! Thats why I was worried! But thankyou all for taking me seriously. :) I will be making an appointment with my DR very soon!