Thanks for writing to H.C.M. for your query.
I have gone through your history of illness. By considering all aspects of your complaints it is clear that you are suffering from acute upper
respiratory tract infection involving your nose and
paranasal sinuses, throat and reaching to both ears via Eustachian tube thus developing blockade of both ears.
For proper treatment you are advice for these investigations.
(1) C.T.scan of paranasal sinuses.
(2) Culture and sensitivity of nasal discharge.
(3) X-Ray chest - P. A. view.
(4) Blood - CBC, blood sugar- F. & P.P.
(5) Urine - Routine and microscopic.
After this clinical examination should be clinically co-related with investigation's report to find out correct diagnosis that can accordingly be manage. Till the investigations reports are awaited you can take antibiotic, anti inflammatory, decongestant and steam inhalation.
Wishing for speedy recovery.
With Regards.