When I was in the hospital getting ready to give birth to my baby I was in an extreme amount of pain, my baby was too large for my birth canal and the doctors refused to do a c section. So I requested an epidural. The doctors made everyone leave the room including my husband, and all that was left to witness this event was a nurse and the anesthesiologist himself. When he put in the spinal tube he had to do it multiple times because he didn't like where he placed it, but when he did finally leave it in an started the drugs I felt myself get suddenly extremely drowsy, my vision turned an orange color, and my ears rang very loudly. Once I told the doctor this he made some adjustments and I stopped seeing orange and my ears stopped ringing, but I actually remember being in the bed and being so out of it that I would stop breathing and the nurse had to constantly keep me awake. I never lost feeling or mobility in my legs either. The doctors did not invite anyone back into the room until I could at least remember to breath. So my question is why did the epidural not work? Why did it have such a harsh affect on me? And had my baby or I been in a risky situation?