Thanks for the query.
Hysterectomy should be planned depending on the severity of the problem.
You didn't mention why her uterus is enlarged.
Like whether she is having fibroids or
adenomyosis etc.
If she is having large sized symptomatic fibroids better to plan hysterectomy early.
If she is having adenomyosis with
menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea etc also better to go for hysterectomy.
Large sized uterus may be responsible for bowel and bladder disturbances.
So by undergoing hysterectomy these problems can be relieved.
Hysterectomy can be postponed in conditions like:
-Asymptomatic fibroids, with attainment of
menopause size of the fibroids will regress.
-To control any existing medical problems like anemia,
hypertension etc.
Take care.