You had sex you ejaculated or not ejaculated , this is not a protection for you .
You had unprotected sex , so risk was at peak , IF the lady was an
HIV infected .
If she was free from HIV , no need of worry at all.
Since you are in tension so this test will relieve your tension.
Get in P 24 nucleic acid amplification test (pcr
rna ) rapid . Western blot is the most commonly used confirmatory test and detects
antibodies to HIV antigens of specific molecular weights.
Antibodies to HIV begin to appear within 2 weeks of initial infection ( contract with that lady ) and the period of time between initial infection and development of detectable antibodies is rarely more than 3 months.
In your case after 2 weeks of initial contract get in blood examination for NAT ( as mentioned above).
Bur in my opinion you are HIV free.