Whenever I need to start studying for my exams or download an app onto my phone with which I can use to listen to songs, I need to start or do them on a particular day, a day when everything goes the way I want them to, I do not have certain thoughts or do not act in a certain way and I always feel happy or at least contented. Also, when I study, I tend to read the same page over and over again just because I misread or mispronounced a word, I lost focus for a moment or I was interrupted. This interferes with my studies because there I times when I would read the same page over again for ten times until I get every word right. At school, I tend to erase a written word to write it again just because it doesn’t look a certain way or in a way I want it to even though there is no mistake. I would even tear the entire page just to copy the notes on a new page again because the notes weren’t written in a certain way or I made a minor mistake. When I watch a movie which I have not watched before which interests me, I start the movie over and over again from the beginning just because I was interrupted or the volume or brightness wasn’t right. What is wrong with me?